This is how to sign into the Microsoft Teams app for a Mac Device. University provisioned computers will already have the app installed.
If you would like to install on a personal device, go to this link -
Launch the Teams app on your Mac. (For department issued computers, it will be in the Applications folder)
If prompted, select Allow to receive notifications.
In the box that says “Sign-address”, enter your [uNID] and click Sign In.
Next you will see the U of U common authentication window. Confirm your [uNID] is entered as the User Name, and then type your CIS password and click Sign In.
In the Duo Two-factor Authentication window. Authenticate with a push notification or pass-code as set up in your Duo app or token. Once authenticated, it will automatically move to the next step.
You are now signed in to Microsoft Teams and will see the home screen of the app.
To take a guided tour of the app, visit this link: To learn how to make calls from your university number, see this article: