Cranium Cafe Outlook Setup

Cranium Cafe Outlook Setup

If you have been given access to use the Cranium Cafe Exchange connection here are the steps to get setup.

For Faculty/Staff that have been using the ConnexEd Outlook plugin, you need to remove that before setting up the ConexEd Exchange connection. If this is a first time setup and you have never used the ConexEd plugin, you can skip right to step 5.

  1. Sign into Cranium Cafe in your favorite web browser: https://utah.craniumcafe.com

  2. Go to Calendar & Scheduler Settings > Calendar Integration, select “ConexED” from the drop-down menu and then select “remove synced events”. Leave the page open for step 5.

  3. Now on your computer, Close Outlook.

  4. On your computer go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs and uninstall the ConexED Outlook Connector.

  5. Go back to the Cramuim Cafe page (https://utah.craniumcafe.com) in your web browser > Calendar & Scheduler Settings, >Calendar Integration, and select "Exchange”, entering the information below

Exchange Mailbox: the user's Unid followed by "@umail.utah.edu"
Exchange Version: Exchange 2016
Exchange Host: www.umail.utah.edu
Exchange User:  the user's UID followed by "@umail.utah.edu"
Exchange Password:  the user's UID password



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